Anime Expo 2013 (Los Angeles) - The Gaming Cosplay Part I Pardon...

Anime Expo 2013 (Los Angeles) - The Gaming Cosplay Part I

Pardon and forgive The Herb’s absence, friends.  It was a busy week for me and Glitch Gear what with our venture to the great West Coast.  Our destination?  The biggest anime convention in North America, of course; Anime Expo.

And, like my trip to Dallas, I turned a blind eye on all and every anime related cosplay, searching instead for those rocking their digital passion in the flesh: video game cosplayers.  As always, thanks to those who allowed me to tarnish their hard work by taking awful camera phone snapshots.

[Yes, I know Haruko doesn’t constitute as gaming cosplay, but in my defense, she was too awesome not to photograph.]

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