Despite decades of advancements made in the medical field, and...

Despite decades of advancements made in the medical field, and despite a tightening grasp on the technological space, scientists in the mid 1990′s never learned the cause of Game Boy’s protruding from teenagers’ skulls.

“It’s not a pleasant way to go,” one expert battling the affliction said. “I’ve had kids tell me that their days became nothing but chip-tune music and explosions of pain.

“It was… It was just fucked. One day – happy, healthy teenager. Their worst problem was figurin’ out how to keep their dumb mohawks sticking up or what flannel best matched with what other flannel. Then… then all of a sudden there was a Game Boy growing out of their scalp, and that was it. It was like looking at a tiny, plastic tombstone.

“My boy. My sweet Billy…His color was teal.”

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