Hi, guys, I wanted to inform you all that the already inconsistent Red Herb may just get a little...

Hi, guys, I wanted to inform you all that the already inconsistent Red Herb may just get a little more inconsistent from today and through the weekend.

I’ll be traveling to South Florida in order to visit Miami’s Supercon, leaving me pressed for time when it comes to updating the Herb.  If I can, bet your ass I will.  If I can’t, it’s because my hometown has eaten me alive.  Direct your condolences to my family through my Ask.

By the by, The Red Herb and motherfuckinscfi are joining forces and concocting a new contest where you’ll get your hands on some super special item stolen/bought from the convention.  Details (like what, when, where, how, and what) are to come so keep your eyes on both spaces!  Who knows what kind of chotchkes we might bring back (hint: something involving video games and sci-fi).

If you’re going to be attending the con this weekend, look for me Saturday as I shake down vendors littering the floor.  You’ll recognize me by the following apparel: glasses, shirt, face.  Say ‘ello if you spot me!

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