Injustice’s Ultimate Edition Announced; Crisis Extends to...

Injustice’s Ultimate Edition Announced; Crisis Extends to Next-Gen

Warner Bros. and NetherRealm’s 2D comic book fighter is coming back to a store shelf near you with a DLC vengeance. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition sees the original superhero slobberknocker repackaged with every shred of downloadable content dropped since the game’s release.

Besides a bonus of forty character skins to adorn your favorite hero or villain with, the Ultimate Edition is your chance to collect the full roster of additional fighters originally debuted as DLC. That includes Batgirl, General Zod, Lobo, Martian Manhunter, Scorpion (of Mortal Kombat fame, how dare you question it?), and Zatanna.

Released in April, Injustice went on to earn itself some favorable reviews, with some calling it more refined than 2011’s Mortal Kombat – the gameplay basis upon which Injustice lays its foundation on. Personally, any game that allows me to uppercut my opponent through the stratosphere earns my good graces automatically; it helps greatly that the game is righteously enjoyable, be you an open-minded fighting fan or an advocate of DC lore. 

The Ultimate Edition brings Injustice back to the PS3 and Xbox 360 for $59.99 while introducing itself to the PC ($49.99) and the PS Vita ($39.99), all dated for November 12th. On the very same day, a PlayStation 4 version of the game releases, featuring touchpad compatibility, streaming and video sharing, and remastered graphics. Its arrival does indeed make it the very first fighting game to launch for PS4 (it edges out Divekick by three whole days…not that you can play much of it without a PS4, what with its Nov. 15th date…Still, flawless victory).

[An Xbox One version has not been confirmed as of this writing.]

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