Nostalgia, Now in HD! Okami and Sonic Adventure 2 Are Up For...

Nostalgia, Now in HD!  Okami and Sonic Adventure 2 Are Up For Remasters

Capcom has announced that this Fall returns to us the cult PS2 gem Okami with a new HD coat of paint.  Coming exclusively to PSN at $19.99, the artfully minded adventure now lets you use PlayStation Move controls so that you can make precision strokes with your Celestial Brush.  This probably means we’re being provided with a prettier version of the Wii port which first implemented motion controls to the game’s design.

Waving wands at my television isn’t exactly the hard sell I need for this title, but Okami’s fantastically offbeat nature and almost trip-quality visuals are incentive enough download it.  If you haven’t met my friend Ammy just yet, I hope your only excuse this Fall is that you don’t have a PS3.  Check out an official trailer for Okami HD here.

On a much less official note, a quickly squashed product listing on suggests Sega will be releasing Sonic Adventure 2 HD this October.  The success of the original Sonic Adventure’s reintroduction as a digital download makes the likelihood of seeing blue lightning strike twice, well, pretty damn likely.

Sonic Adventure 2 is one of the very best reasons you could use in defending your insane love of the short-lived Dreamcast and I welcome the chance to extend the game’s life on my hard drive.  And, yeah, Sega will probably charge extra for the Battle upgrade to the game.  Did you really have any doubt in your mind about that?

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