REMINDER THE LAST: Final Chance to Enter The Reb Herb’s Mass...

REMINDER THE LAST: Final Chance to Enter The Reb Herb’s Mass Effect 3 T-Shirt Giveaway!

The window of opportunity to clothe your body in a limited edition Mass Effect 3 Tee is closing.  Entrants are still being taken up until 11:59 P.M.  After you pick up your copy of Mass Effect 3 at midnight, check your inbox – the universe just may have made you a winner.  You winner, you.  Help me rack in that paragon and take these goddamn heirlooms off my hands.  Two winners will be selected, two shirts shall be given.  Cast your entry here, Commander.

If this giveaway is successful, it stands to reason more will come, so be sure to follow The Red Herb for more sporadic contests and everything that has to do with gaming!

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