Street Fighter X Tekken’s Intro Cinematic Hits the Web Tuesday...

Street Fighter X Tekken’s Intro Cinematic Hits the Web

Tuesday sees the release of two mainstay fighting franchises duking it out within one title that adheres to the gameplay established by the better selling series.  Hey, hey, no knock against Tekken; I’m confident it’d be a different story if each Tekken had an Ultimate Super Turbo Remix HD Arcade Edition.  (Fret not – Tekken X Street Fighter is happening, probably, so long as someone at Namco decides to start it.)

Prepare for the crossover that’s sure to whittle fightsticks down to plastic dust for the next several months by watching this quirky intro sequence.  Favorite part: Rufus’ reaction to his impending decapitation – people accept death in the silliest ways.

You can pick up the fighter for the PS3 and Xbox 360 March 6th, or the PC on May 11th, or go for the long haul and wait for the Vita version’s eventual Fall release.

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