Grave Gamer News & Views — assassin's creed

ACIV: Man Versus the Sea Want to know what made Black Flag so...

ACIV: Man Versus the Sea

Want to know what made Black Flag so damn buzz-worthy even at PAX, a house home to nothing but buzz making titles?

How about dispatching a half-dozen foes armed with nothing but your swim trunks for starters? Or piercing your way to the ocean floor via an 18th century diving bell? Or how about harpooning sharks in a pirate-y take on that one bitching boss fight from RE4?


Mortal Kombat Assassins by Soňa Nekorancová Crossovers are...

Mortal Kombat Assassins by Soňa Nekorancová

Crossovers are nothing new in the world of gaming, and are vastly more commonplace in the realm of fan art, but when done right, the results really friggin’ pop.

This Slovakian artist had the novel idea of meshing the brutal, Eastern fantasy world of Mortal Kombat with the equally violent, historically steeped style of Assassin’s Creed.  As you can see, the kombination is deadly (and amazingly awesome.)

geeksngamers: Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag - by Lee Shackleton...


Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag - by Lee Shackleton

Edward Kenway by Jodie Muir

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Everything You Need to Know (That Matters)


With an official reveal already well and spoiled days ago, all that’s left to analyze are the finer details surrounding Ubisoft’s sixth mainline installment of Assassin’s Creed.  Settle in, there’s a lot to sift through.

Black Flag rewinds the historical clock a couple of generations before Revolutionary Times, dropping us in the middle of the Golden Age of Piracy – a period modern writers have fictionalized into the ground, portraying a romanticized but irrevocably distorted version of the truth.  Ubisoft wants to show us the era as it was; a gruff, bloody, self-enterprising corner of history in which armadas ruled the sea and pirates fought, killed, and plundered for nothing more than profit.  Tonally, Ubisoft says Black Flag is less Pirates of the Caribbean and more Sons of Anarchy.  How could I not love the sound of that?