Grave Gamer News & Views — asura's wrath

Love and Hate by sandara

Asura’s Wrath by Kanthesis

Currently playing Asura’s Wrath for the PS3. So far, it’s one of...

Currently playing Asura’s Wrath for the PS3.  So far, it’s one of the best animes I’ve ever played.

My biggest gripe is the game’s strange hands-off policy, though.  More often than not, I’m surprised when the game prompts any interaction on my part.  Asura’s Wrath seems to get along just fine without me, perfectly emulating an anime episode.  Then, as if remembering I was still there, it pities me with a short quick-time sequence before going back to being an anime.

Style doesn’t really always add up to substance.  But when you have cosmic levels of style pouring out of every inch of your game, you’ve bought yourself some leeway.  Asura’s six-armed quest for revenge is engaging, brutal camp that balances over-the-top action with tasteful presentation; CyberConnect2 hit their goal when they set out to make an interactive anime, and if you have the stomach for it and the patience required when you’re benched during lengthy cutscenes, Asura still manages to be one seriously badass trip and one of the more interesting gaming experiments this year.

Capcom Tosses Asura’s Wrath DLC Deets Our Way So you’ve purchased...

Capcom Tosses Asura’s Wrath DLC Deets Our Way

So you’ve purchased a copy of Asura’s Wrath today, as you’re won’t to do, and you come home to be slapped in the face with reviews applauding everything except for the fact the game’s a measly six hours.  Stay you’re trade-in hand and set your eyes to three pieces of DLC that look to pad out your run time.

The first two downloadable packs bridge events between certain episodes on disc but will be told in adherence to a strict anime style that fits the game’s already anime-infused nature pretty damn well.  The third expansion pits Street Fighter IV’s flavor of gameplay under the wrathful fist of Asura.  While the press release name drops Ryu specifically as making a cameo, Capcom also alludes to more of “the world’s greatest warriors” possibly getting their asses handed to them.

For those that can’t pass up the closest thing to an interactive anime you can get, drop a line and tell the Herb what you think of Asura’s Wrath.

Unsatisfied by the Amount of Games He’s Already in, Ryu Drop...

Unsatisfied by the Amount of Games He’s Already in, Ryu Drop Kicks His Way into Asura’s Wrath

No, Asura didn’t make the final roster for Street Fighter X Tekken.  On the flip side, you’re looking at Ryu invading Asura’s Wrath.  Planned as DLC for Capcom’s upcoming genre bender, the company has gifted us this screenshot and nothing else, promising more info in the months to come.

I guess since Ryu’s playable appearance was canceled after Mega Man Universe was scrapped, Street Fighter’s poster boy needed to punch the shit out of something.  Look for Asura’s Wrath on your PS3 and Xbox 360 February 21st.  Unless you’re across the pond, that is.  They’ve inexplicably delayed the U.K. release to March 9th.  Sorry, chaps.