Grave Gamer News & Views — eternal darkness

The Red Herb Roundup: Season of the Roundup


As the only installed feature The Red Herb claims stake to, I’m obligated each and every week to feel really guilty for skipping out on writing one.  But since it’s almost Halloween, and given the inappropriateness of the above picture as a warm Christmas greeting, I have set loose another Roundup unto the world.  God help us all.

Gaming Factoid of the Day: Eternal Darkness

In Silicon Knights’ 2002 Gamecube cult favorite, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, several voice actors from Metal Gear Solid can be heard.  Voice talent including David Hayter (“Solid Snake”) and Paul Eiding (“Roy Campbell”) play various characters throughout the narrative ranging from NPCs to supporting cast.

In 2004, Silicon Knights and Konami released Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for...

Pious Augustus up to sinister, Lovecraftian shit.

Pious Augustus up to sinister, Lovecraftian shit.