Grave Gamer News & Views — fan art

Conquered by Karina Kruglova

Tomb Raider - Reborn by Jairo Souza

Maya by PetraDragoon

More Infamous: Second Son Fan Art In the fleeting moments I’m...

More Infamous: Second Son Fan Art

In the fleeting moments I’m allowed between setting up for PAX and sleeping (I think eating is somehow involved in there, too), Second Son has been my Me Time obsession.

It’s apparently the Guzzardi twins’ obsession as well. But where I simply gush, they go out and produce gorgeous, compelling artwork in celebration of Sucker Punch’s next-gen achievement. Check out the first batch of art we promoted hereabouts.

by Shenae & Mel Guzzardi [deviantart  //  tumblr]

Infamous: Second Son Fan Art by Shenae & Mel Guzzardi

Infamous: Second Son Fan Art

by Shenae & Mel Guzzardi