Grave Gamer News & Views — fps

Black Ops III Beta Impressions


The weekend’s coming to a close, and so too does Treyarch’s Black Ops III Beta. Since Tuesday night, those who pre-ordered the game on PlayStation 4 have been gunning each other down, sprinting along walls, and raining fury upon their enemies through a mix of familiar and new Killstreaks (sorry, how 2009 of me – scorestreaks).

I have been among those ranks of augmented soldiers both spitting...

New Doom Screens Make Mars Look Like a Helluva PlaceAnybody gonna...

New Doom Screens Make Mars Look Like a Helluva Place

Anybody gonna get mad if I just call it New Doom? Has a pleasant ring to it. As pleasant as anything called Doom can be anyway.

I’ve decided to leave behind my plebian life for a career in...

I’ve decided to leave behind my plebian life for a career in destroying the absolute shit out of homes (because video games).

Been on a bit of a Halo kick thanks to Master Chief’s Greatest...

Been on a bit of a Halo kick thanks to Master Chief’s Greatest Hits. Going back, it’s easy to see why this franchise took off into the stratosphere like it did.

But here, we get to take a look at where it’s going. And, by the Guardians, I’m fuckin’ excited to wrap my Spartan mitts around Halo 5.

I know, I’ve been hearing the gruff and grumble surrounding the changes being made (“ADS? GTFO”), but...

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Concept Art

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Concept Art