Grave Gamer News & Views — halo 4

By TDSpiral

The Red Herb on Microsoft's E3 2012 Conference

Howdy, fellow gaming connoisseurs, E3 has officially begun and Microsoft was the first company to kick off the showcase.  After watching the SmartGlass presentation, I came away with the feeling Xbox wants to take over every last device I own in my house.  I’m really, very excited for E3 2013 where we’ll see the unveiling of Xbox Integration Chips planted into our gray matter so that I may browse my apps with a simple scream.  But I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s take a look at what actually mattered at the show, in this year – the games.

Here’s your officiated box art for Halo the Fourth. If you could...

Here’s your officiated box art for Halo the Fourth.  If you could judge a book by its cover, that’d tell you nothing about Halo 4 because it’s not a book.

Halo 4 concept art.

Halo 4 concept art.

Halo 4 (Xbox 360 - November 6th, 2012) A handful of shots from...

Halo 4 (Xbox 360 - November 6th, 2012)

A handful of shots from this month’s featured blow-out of Halo 4 information in Game Informer magazine.  343 Industries sounds as if they’re attempting to remain faithful to Bungie’s work (a safe bet – boring, but safe), yet little nuggets like the studio integrating story elements and meaning into the multiplayer grab my attention.

Call of Duty’s biennial developers, Treyarch, have taken slow, plodding (but steady) steps to molding their own distinctive CoD experience with each release and I predict 343 Industries may beat the same path with this new Halo trilogy; staying very close to the source material until the studio gets comfortable with taking chances.  Personally, even though we may only be up to number four in title, there’s been enough Halo entries and spin-offs for me to want to see 343 just go absolutely crazy with the series.

Either direction it takes, if it’s authentic Halo in all of its sci-fi shooting glory, Xbox Live is sure to be alight with activity.