Grave Gamer News & Views — shadow of the colossus

The Last Guardian Reportedly Cancelled If you’ve had the...

The Last Guardian Reportedly Cancelled

If you’ve had the privilege of being absorbed in the artistic triumphs that were Ico and its follow-up, Shadow of the Colossus, you’ve also probably been closely watching the troubled development of Team ICO’s The Last Guardian with bated breath.

So this one’s gonna hurt. IGN reports via trusted sources that we won’t see Last Guardian at E3 next week because we won’t ever see it again.

The Last Guardian is finally cancelled.”

Our only glimmer of hope is that Sony themselves have yet to put the official kabosh on the project, but this beauty has been circling the drain for some time. Initial concerns over the game’s progress began when it missed its projected 2011 release date for the PS3 despite a reveal dating back to E3 2009.

The worry train gained serious momentum when exectutive producer Yoshifusa Hayama exited the project, then damn near derailed with Team ICO founder Fumito Ueda’s departure from the studio. Things seemed to piece together again with Sony’s quarterly assurances that Guardian was still in the pipeline and Ueda’s promise to not sever his production involvement entirely. Hell, most figured the extended wait on the game was due in part to the dev team converting the game for the PlayStation 4 (much like the eons-in-development Final Fantasy Versus XIII’s hop to next-gen).

I’ll keep my ears open for an official announcement, but it really does appear The Last Guardian’s stay of execution has come to an end.


IGN has now posted an article stating that this initial report was made in error and that its sources are no longer credible. The site updated with an apology to Sony and its readers. “To Sony and Team ICO, who have had to address unexpected controversy on the eve of the year’s largest celebration of gaming, I apologize,” wrote editor Steve Butts, taking the blame for posting the erroneous news solely.

No word if The Last Guardian will make it to LA tomorrow for E3 – it’d be a helluva pleasant surprise if so – but the good news here is that the game is not dead. On point journalism may be, and I’m certainly feeling red-assed embarrassment for perpetuating false news, but Guardian lives.

svalts: Wander and The Colossus by Beco


Wander and The Colossus by Beco

Need for Speed and Shadow of the Colossus Films Moving Forward...

Need for Speed and Shadow of the Colossus Films Moving Forward with New Directors

There was a time in the film industry where a video game adaptation was a surefire way to get a producer fired and a screenwriter slapped.  Now, with the advent of cash cows such as the five flick Resident Evil franchise, Hollywood knows there’s green oil to be mined from video games (especially when the films can be cheaply pumped out at around $40 million and see a return of $150 million or more much like the RE franchise).

Modeled after the Fast and the Furious series for an easy in, EA’s Need for Speed is riding into theaters thanks to DreamWorks.  The studio currently looks to hire Act of Valor co-director Scott Waugh to bring the racing title to the big screen, based upon a script penned by George Gatins.  Being as it is that the games never truly cling to an established story thread, it’ll be easy for Waugh and company to project whatever cookie-cutter narrative they want as long as the Need for Speed name is attached (i.e. terrifically boring shit).

The monumentally more intriguing game adaptation would be Sony’s attempt to put Team Ico’s Shadow of the Colossus on the screen.  The ball got rolling on Colossus back in 2009 when Sony first conceived the notion of a movie, but the project sat in place, gathering moss for some time.  After the success of the HD re-release, though, it seems the film has gained some new traction with the recent enlistment of up-and-comer Josh Trank as director, fresh off of his hit superhero biopic Chronicle.

Neither Trank nor Sony have indicated how they intend to bring the Colossi to the screen (whether it all be CGI or live-action or, considering Trank’s resume, shot as found-footage is up in the air) but the two parties have confirmed that they’re actively shopping around for a screenwriter to shape the story.

Shadow of the Colossus is Your Destination by Cory Schmitz

Shadow of the Colossus is Your Destination by Cory Schmitz

Desert God by Jerico Gamotin