The Hyrule Historia Goes West Originally locked away in a remote...

The Hyrule Historia Goes West

Originally locked away in a remote Japanese dungeon, Nintendo and Dark Horse Books are finally publishing the Hyrule Historia in English for Western eyes.

The Hyrule Historia serves as the end-all-be-all compendium for diehard Legend of Zelda fans, collecting unreleased concept art, an official chronology dating each of the Zelda games, a bonus comic by famed LoZ manga author Akira Himekawa, a behind-the-scenes perspective on making the franchise, and a written introduction from series creator Shigeru Miyamoto.

You might be expecting to pay upwards of a hundred bucks for this 272-page Hylian tome.  Well, you can if you want, but I don’t recommend it since the hardcover will only cost you $34.99.  Expect the Hyrule Historia stateside January 29th, 2013.

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