The Man Behind Resident Evil is Returning to Survival Horror...

The Man Behind Resident Evil is Returning to Survival Horror

Japan’s own game designing tycoon, Shinji Mikami, wants to revisit old stomping grounds before riding off into the sunset reportedly.  Being president of his own game development studio is a taxing feat paired with the prospect of directorial duties, so after years of masterminding video games – including something I’ve never heard of called Biohazard – Mikami feels he’s reached his last game.  And, fates be praised, it’s a survival horror title.

Tentatively referred to as Zwei, Mikami’s own Tango Gameworks is helping to usher the director’s final vision with Bethesda set to publish it.  Zwei is very early in its development, so all I can leave you with is Shinji’s promise that – knowing this is his sendoff – he will channel a career’s worth of experience into this game.

Poor guy.  Somebody should have told him the survival horror market is too small for all that effort.

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