“When I first watched Aliens, the very next thing I did was get...

“When I first watched Aliens, the very next thing I did was get my friends to watch it with me so we could have that shared experience. Well now you are not just experiencing it or kind of witnessing it, you’re participating in it. From the sequel, that’s actually a video game you are participating in it, and if you want to do that alone, great; you want to do that with friends, great. We designed it so it works in both contexts.”

Gearbox Software’s main man, Randy Pitchford, touching on the much anticipated sci-fi shooter opus, Aliens: Colonial Marines.  Try not to rely on the old phrase “safety in numbers,” though.  You’re trapped on LV-426 with a finite supply of ammo and the succinct disadvantage of having non-acidic blood.  Those are awful odds in any situation.

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