Another Year, Another Xbox ‘Summer of Arcade’ It’s not hard to...

Another Year, Another Xbox ‘Summer of Arcade’

It’s not hard to tell when summer has arrived in Florida.  Besides car tires melted like marshmallows, it’s tough to ignore the tremendous heat radiating from the sun when it moves within shouting distance of our state.  But there’s an upside to this season in which I’m often ignited where I stand: Xbox Live’s Summer of Arcade.

Beginning July 18th, Xbox owners will be bombarded by a slew of downloadable hits (“slew” meaning five in this instance).  Here’s your official release schedule:

Mighty interesting selection this year.  If you haven’t heard of a title listed, feel free to hit the link to view a trailer.  I know I already have my Moon Points targeted on Tony Hawk and Deadlight.  What’re you picking up this summer?

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