Are These the Wii U’s Unannounced Launch Titles? Collected on...

Are These the Wii U’s Unannounced Launch Titles?

Collected on GoNintendo, these shots are supposedly taken from within Blockbuster UK and display 25 POS system listings for the Wii U’s catalog of upcoming games.  You may recognize previously outed games like Batman: Arkham City, the new Assassin’s Creed, and Rayman Legends amongst the many, but what’s really surprising is that there are still Blockbusters in the UK.

Oh, and almost as surprising, the listings depicted name several games that neither Nintendo nor any third-party have officially said are coming to the Wii U.  Titles like Just Dance 4 and Marvel Super Heroes (please be a sequel) could be some of the names publishers will be showing off at E3 for Nintendo’s big, huge Wii U presentation.  Or the listings are a sham, ripping the prospect of another Just Dance game away from our lives, leaving us no more than purposeless husks.

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