December 6th Marks This Year's Xbox 360 Dashboard Update

The update Xbox wanted to have out in mid to late November is finally making its way to your dashboard in two weeks.

The update will streamline the current interface and implement all sorts of Kinect functionality where you’ll be able to either use gestures to navigate menus or exert even less energy by issuing voice commands to browse through the content you’re looking for.

More interesting yet, Xbox Live will enable cloud storage for your game saves and profile.  And, yes, they’ve mercifully made it easier to recover your profile, shortening the wait time by a century or two. 

There hasn’t been a single feature or title that has sold me on the Kinect yet (you’ve failed me pitifully, Rise of Nightmares) so a huge component to this update is already leaving me feeling cold.  I hope the update (complete with Bing search power) proves more substantial than just an aesthetic makeover for Xbox 360 fans like me that haven’t given up on those archaic stick and button controllers.

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