Gearbox Officially Debuts the Aliens: Colonial Marines...

Gearbox Officially Debuts the Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector’s Set

This is old hat to internet sleuths and xenomorph fanatics alike, but Gearbox is dropping a collector’s edition of their formative Aliens film successor, Colonial Marines.  You can view the pants-tightening contents above – including the new addition of four playable characters ripped straight from Cameron’s film.

Either pre-ordering the game at Gamestop or simply shelling $99.99 for the collector’s set earns you Private Hudson, Corporal Hicks, Private Drake and Sergeant Apone for competitive multiplayer.  Yes, that means gamers will finally be able to control Bill Paxton’s likeness and get him killed as many times as you so desire.  What a beautiful day to be apart of the Corps!  Sadly, Ripley’s flamethrower is the only Weaver presence you’ll get through pre-order or the special edition (plus more marine customization options).

Crippling reminder: We still have to float in space for seventy years before we get our hands on Colonial Marines – the game won’t see release until February 12th of 2013.

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