Grand Theft Auto V: New Screens, DLC Tease, and Potential PC Port
Sure, even with next-gen consoles looming over the horizon and popping up on every gaming site, every day – lookit; it’s happening right the hell now – the PS3 and Xbox 360 still have some life left before they complete their full cycles.
But we’re inarguably in the homestretch for this generation. And what better end cap can you find than in Rockstar’s titanic sandbox of a game, Grand Theft Auto? With an inch over a month to run out on the clock before its release, Rockstar Games has softened on their typical hard-lock on details surrounding GTAV. First up, here’s some new screens to gawk at – twelve of ‘em.
Next is the confirmation that the game will receive post-launch DLC…And that’s all you get in regards to that. No title, no synopsis, zip. Hell, you haven’t even played minute one of the main game yet; don’t you sweat those deets, friends. But do try to keep in mind the mystery content will be region locked, so Rockstar recommends you buy your native country’s designated version if you expect to enjoy further expansions to Los Santos.
Finally, seems as if good news is in store for those anxiously awaiting word of a PC release for Grand Theft Auto’s fifth symphony. During one of them fangled earnings calls, a Nvidia honcho let loose that GTAV may see a PC release as soon as this Fall. 'Course, Rockstar had nothing to say on the matter, so commence the breath holding until further notice. If it does arrive in the fall, it would make it the shortest amount of time a GTA title has traveled from home console to PC in the franchise’s history. Modders, here’s hoping.