Heavenly Sword 2 Concept Art Pops Up Online Ninja Theory is well...

Heavenly Sword 2 Concept Art Pops Up Online

Ninja Theory is well and dedicated to production on their Devil May Cry reboot, therefore putting a serious backseat on a potential sequel to the PS3’s exclusive hack n’ slash Heavenly Sword.   Keep in mind that these supposed conceptual drawings leaked on the net (including these) probably don’t signal the coming of a Heavenly Sword 2.

The game was initially thought of as one part of a trilogy and what’s been leaked may just very well be pre-production assets drawn up when Ninja Theory was less preoccupied.  Still, fun for the eyes, and at the very, very least, proof that ideas were (and still can be) kicked around for a successor to this five-year-old title.

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