MGS: Ground Zeroes Lands a Date Today, I have the privilege of...

MGS: Ground Zeroes Lands a Date

Today, I have the privilege of announcing that Metal Gear Solid V… is nowhere near coming out. Them’s the breaks.

But! That’s precisely where Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes comes in. Kojima Productions, knowing full well that MGSV is not even a little close over the horizon, decided to put together a playable prologue that both sets up the events of The Phantom Pain as well as indoctrinating players to Snake’s new brand of tactical espionage action.

Airdropping to both current and next-gen PlayStation and Microsoft consoles, Ground Zeroes releases March 18th, 2014. Fun bonus: PS consoles will be privy to exclusive content by way of the “Deja Vu” mission – in which you play as Classic Snake (lookit him)  – while MS systems get a dosage of everybody’s favorite cyborg ninja (not named  Gray Fox), Raiden, in the “Jamais Vu” bonus mission.

The Ground Zeroes precursor doesn’t feature a full blown retail price tag, but there is a generational pricing discrepancy: current-gen copies will run you $29.99 whereas the spiffy next-gen editions cost $39.99.

Got fifteen minutes? Set your eyes upon this gameplay trailer, friends.

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