Prey 2 Still in Production, Not Coming Out Anytime Soon Looks as...

Prey 2 Still in Production, Not Coming Out Anytime Soon

Looks as if the rumors of Human Head’s sequel getting the axe were just that; rumors.  But the notion of cancellation does stem from the very real troubles the studio has faced with Prey 2s production.

Squashing whispers of cancellation (way after the rumors began making the rounds), publisher Bethesda confirmed in a statement that the game is officially delayed well past Prey 2 ever seeing a 2012 release.  Bethesda admits that
“the delay is due to the fact that game development has not progressed satisfactorily this past year, and the game does not currently meet our quality standards."  Yowch.

Human Head Studios is no stranger to delay, of course, as the original Prey hurdled through multiple postponements.  Although, I should mention that Prey was hit with enough delays to its development cycle for it to hibernate through two entire console generations.  I don’t think we’ll be waiting years for Prey 2…But I wonder if that’s what people were saying when Prey was announced for the N64?

Prey 2 isn’t dead and there’s a glimmer of hope in that for sci-fi shooter fiends (even though I’m sure games like Aliens: Colonial Marines and Halo 4 will distract you space farers well enough this year).  I’ll keep you posted.

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