Resident Evil Revelations 2: An Episodic Horror Story The first...

Resident Evil Revelations 2: An Episodic Horror Story

The first Revelations split its narrative into “episodes” since handheld players typically only game in short bursts; Capcom’s console sequel is now following Telltale’s playbook for episodic content, though on an accelerated release schedule.

Revelations 2 will be presented in four weekly episodes that can be downloaded at $5.99 a piece or bought with a $24.99 Season Pass. If you’re willing to skip out on a month of cliffhangers, the collected game will hit store shelves in a $39.99 retail package soon after the digital release wraps up. Purchasing the game the latter two ways nets you additional content (which hasn’t been detailed yet).

The story follows Raccoon City survivor Claire Redfield, now employed by the anti-bioterror group Terra Save. While throwing a welcome party for new recruit Moira Burton, relation to former S.T.A.R.S. member and licensed beard enthusiast Barry Burton, the two women are abducted only to awaken on an abandoned prison island.

But abandoned isn’t quite right. The “Afflicted,” mutilated forms borrowed from one of Clive Barker’s tamer nightmares, roam the island. Claire’s got to figure out how to both get away and get away alive. But someone’s watching them and “why” is something they probably don’t want to know.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 (begins to) release in early 2015 for PS3, PS3, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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