Sega Tags Our Eyes with a Jet Set Radio HD Trailer
Still no solid date for this PSN and XBLA port, but Sega has given a glimpse at Jet Set/Grind Radio in motion. It looks pretty damn exact to how I remember it on the Dreamcast back in 2000, and perhaps some memories should be unchanged (besides not being in physical form any longer). But with a cult beast such as Jet Set, it’s unsurprising Sega wouldn’t be too keen on changing much.
And why would you want to? Jet Set was amazing and my Dreamcast has long been dead, the laser having read its last classic, Sega Marine Fishing, seven years ago. I’d be happy to re-welcome this blast from Sega’s rocky past in digital form, so long as no one barks at me in song like this obnoxious trailer deemed it absolutely necessary to do.