Grave Gamer News & Views — featured

Banning Used Game Sales: A Fantastic Idea...

“There’s another big rumor about the next Xbox console that could really start to shake things up…it won’t play used games at all! Personally I think this would be a fantastic change for our business and even though the consumers would be up in arms about it at first…they will grow to understand why and that it won’t kill them.

The words of Jameson Durall (designer on Saints Row: The Third) which are resonating around the internet today and being matched with consumers’ complete and utter contempt.

I think concessions need to be made between retailers and publishers, absolutely.  Choking out used sales is not some magical meal ticket standing between developers and swimming in pools of revenue, though.  No, it’s a severe blow to used retailers like Gamestop and it’s a fucking death sentence to smaller retailers like the Play N Trade I work at.  And the move is damaging to publishers that seem to think if you block off avenues to consumers, it will surely force the average gamer’s dollar to flow their way.  This is an extreme fallacy.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Multiplayer Tournament...

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Multiplayer Tournament Footage

Gamespot hosted a tournament where fans got hands-on time with the co-op horror shooter. The game looks more polished and preened than some of the choppy debut gameplay shown off at last year’s conventions which leaves me even more hopeful for this spin-off. In between shots of mesmerized cosplayers, there’s loads of zombie...

YOU DIED Nothing speeds a dull Thursday along like some retro...


Nothing speeds a dull Thursday along like some retro morbidity.  Behold a collection of untimely ends the characters of Resident Evil 2 met wholly for your enjoyment.  I miss the days where decapitations weren’t implied.

If you’ve somehow found your mind deadlocked on RE6’s November...

If you’ve somehow found your mind deadlocked on RE6’s November 20th release date, don’t forget we’re getting a full dose of bio-hazardous terror in next month's  Resident Evil: Revelations.

Check out this extended trailer of the 3DS installment that supposedly puts the horror back in “survival horror." Segments of the trailer decide to go spoiler-tastic, so mind your obliviousness if you wish to...

“This is SSX” TrailerSSX succeeded when it first came out because...

“This is SSX” Trailer
SSX succeeded when it first came out because it understood something only the folks at Neversoft did with their Tony Hawk franchise: fuck physics.

I’m anxious to see what today’s technology can do for SSX.  I’m not expecting this game to reinvent any wheels; we’ve been without an SSXsequel long enough for any release to seem like a breath of fresh snow. Look for it Feb. 28th...