Grave Gamer News & Views — nintendo

Kid Icarus: Uprising Comes Packaged with a Stand So You Don’t...

Kid Icarus: Uprising Comes Packaged with a Stand So You Don’t Have To Lug That Cumbersome 3DS Around

I know those of you that shelled out for the system are anxiously awaiting the triumphant return of Pit in Kid Icarus: Uprising.  Welly, I’ve got good news for you: the game is extremely uncomfortable to play.

The better news is that Nintendo agrees.  The company is making a concession for fans of wrists sans the carpal tunnel by including a nifty little stand for your 3DS to rest on.  Don’t worry about Uprising’s price point bloating as the add-on will be bundled with all copies of the game for free.

The only cost to you is the portability of your once-upon-a-time-ago portable system.

While the design might be subject to change, this is the gist of...

While the design might be subject to change, this is the gist of the console Nintendo hopes to ship into your living room late this year.  To this day, the Wii’s library has not (arguably) had enough contending titles to make me buckle and shell out for the system.

If Nintendo can truly back up all their third-party supported talk, then the Wii U may leave behind a very different legacy than its predecessor.  And when I say different legacy, I mean to actually say, “No more casual-targeted abominations like Wii Music.”

Hmm, don’t know where I’ve heard that before…over the last 25...

Hmm, don’t know where I’ve heard that before…over the last 25 years.

"What I really want to do is be in the forefront of game development once again myself…Probably..."

What I really want to do is be in the forefront of game development once again myself…Probably working on a smaller project with even younger developers. Or I might be interested in making something that I can make myself, by myself. Something really small.


Shigeru Miyamoto speaking with Wired on his plans for the future which won’t include any more games requiring five-year development cycles.


“Only from the neck up. The rest is broken, pale, scarred flesh...

“Only from the neck up.  The rest is broken, pale, scarred flesh held together by this suit.”