Grave Gamer News & Views — nintendo




Liars, rapists, thieves, and – worst of all – lizards. Except the...

Liars, rapists, thieves, and – worst of all – lizards.  Except the possessed ghost jacket hovering up there.  Who knows what shrieking hell dimension he killed his way out of?

Own a Wii? It's Time To Own Skyward Sword

If you missed out on the many midnight releases last night, then take time today to visit your local gaming retailer in order to make your Wii console whole at last.  If The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword isn’t enough to pry your fingers away from Skyrim, that goes to show you that you traded in your Wii too early.

Snag a copy now and you’ll be privy to the 25th Anniversary Soundtrack CD...