Grave Gamer News & Views — ubisoft

ACIV: Man Versus the Sea Want to know what made Black Flag so...

ACIV: Man Versus the Sea

Want to know what made Black Flag so damn buzz-worthy even at PAX, a house home to nothing but buzz making titles?

How about dispatching a half-dozen foes armed with nothing but your swim trunks for starters? Or piercing your way to the ocean floor via an 18th century diving bell? Or how about harpooning sharks in a pirate-y take on that one bitching boss fight from RE4?


Ubisoft’s Clearly Going to Make Another Far Cry Tony Key, Ubi’s...

Ubisoft’s Clearly Going to Make Another Far Cry

Tony Key, Ubi’s senior veep of sales and marketing, says Far Cry 4 is a no-brainer.  And that’s the news, folks!  …Okay, I’ll say more, but only in the hopes of Ubisoft letting me onto their wicked badass pirate ship in San Diego next week.

Though the gaming masses (rightfully) shunned Far Cry 2, something about playing as an over-privileged millennial transformed into a blood-frenzied bushman really resonated with people, thusly Far Cry 3 – under Ubisoft Montreal’s eye put up strong numbers and kindly reviews.

This is where I say, “The game’s positive reception left many fans wondering if Far Cry 3’s success could pave the way for a potential sequel?"  But it’s just you and me here; we can be frank.  We’re talking about the same publisher that has launched no fewer than five hundred Assassin’s Creed titles since 2007 (with another two hundred rumored to be in the works).  Of course there’s going to be a Far Cry 4.

"It’s a great brand, and now it’s got the recognition it deserves,” said Tony “T-Key” Key to Gamespot.  “So we’re clearly going to make another one: more on that soon."  Key also spoke on consumers’ leaning on the open-world genre as a whole, stating that gamers’ tastes are becoming more attuned to less linear experiences.

"They don’t want linear; they want open [world],” said T-Key, admitting that Ubisoft pours considerable resources into the genre in part because of their aptitude for “large-scale, open-ended games."  Key did backpedal a bit, affirming that "there’s always going to be a place for linear experiences."  I can only imagine someone may have shot him these figures.

Now, if we can only get a Blood Dragon 2 into the "forgone conclusion” category, I’ll rest easy.

Red Herb Review - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon


“Blood Dragon really is the game Duke Nukem Forever should have been.  Whereas that meddlesome abortion half-assed it by showing up to ‘80’s Night in a Joy Division t-shirt freshly picked off a Hot Topic shelf, Blood Dragon crashes through the doors in a DeLorean, speakers ear-bleedingly capped at 11, cranking out 'Bark at the Moon.’”

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Everything You Need to Know (That Matters)


With an official reveal already well and spoiled days ago, all that’s left to analyze are the finer details surrounding Ubisoft’s sixth mainline installment of Assassin’s Creed.  Settle in, there’s a lot to sift through.

Black Flag rewinds the historical clock a couple of generations before Revolutionary Times, dropping us in the middle of the Golden Age of Piracy – a period modern writers have fictionalized into the ground, portraying a romanticized but irrevocably distorted version of the truth.  Ubisoft wants to show us the era as it was; a gruff, bloody, self-enterprising corner of history in which armadas ruled the sea and pirates fought, killed, and plundered for nothing more than profit.  Tonally, Ubisoft says Black Flag is less Pirates of the Caribbean and more Sons of Anarchy.  How could I not love the sound of that?

Pulled Trailer Reveal’s ACIV: Black Flag’s Release Date Really,...

Pulled Trailer Reveal’s ACIV: Black Flag’s Release Date

Really, though, I feel like I just beat Assassin’s Creed III…Well, I’m guessing I’m going to have to adjust to that sensation about this time every year as Ubisoft elevates their blockbuster series to annual status.

With a full-on reveal of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag scheduled for Monday, practically forever from now, you can always count on the internet to open its presents early.  Not completely our fault (this time).  The official trailer for Black Flag (accidentally?) made a brief stint when it was leaked onto YouTube.  I would link you to it but Ubisoft put up the blinders post haste.

Damage done, however, as we now have a release date pegged as well as the alias of our new assassinating buccaneer.  Starring a Mr. Edward Kenway – a “devil dressed as a man” who even has the infamous Blackbeard shivering his goddamn timbers – fans will first get their hands on Black Flag October 29th; likely the new target date for future installments.

What’s more is the fact Assassin’s Creed IV will be the first entry gracing next-gen consoles along with current hardware.  If it makes it in time for the PS4’s Fall ship, Black Flag will certainly be one hell of a high profile launch title.  Once again, see you on Monday with more details.

UPDATE: See the trailer here while you can!