China’s Call of Duty Invaded by Zombie Terminators; Related: I’m...

China’s Call of Duty Invaded by Zombie Terminators; Related: I’m Moving to China

So Chinese gamers have cultivated a market where Activision’s annual cash-in, followed up by a year of expensive DLC maps, just isn’t supported.

Instead, Acti tapped its Shanghai studio (along with series familiar Raven Software) to condense the series’ hallmark gameplay and features into a single free-to-play title incidentally named after all that anyone truly gives a shit about – Call of Duty: Online.

The game draws from a smorgasbord of maps, guns, perks, and attachments found in both the Modern Warfare and Black Ops games, making it a kind of Call of Duty Greatest Hits mix. Though lousy with micro-transactions (a lot of which are regionally tailored character customizations), that actually sounds… pretty friggin’ awesome.

But it gets awesomer! Robotic zombies. They were robots that became zombies. Or, wait, are they zombies that were turned machines? Something to puzzle over as you (you being China) mow them down in the new, legally trying “Dead Rising” Mode which sees the original Zombies map, Nacht der Untoten, reconstructed into the modern wasteland re-christened “Natch.”

“Dead Rising” and its unerring fight against the steely dead is coming to CoD: Online sometime later this year. If justice is a tangible thing and if something is smiling at us from above the sky, maybe we’ll be lucky enough to battle the robotic undead.

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