SSX Tricky Resurrected in New DLC? I love EA Canada’s evolution...

SSX Tricky Resurrected in New DLC?

I love EA Canada’s evolution of SSX; if a modernization of the extreme sports franchise had to happen, I’m glad it was pulled off with such care and class.  Still, I miss the days of ye old SSX nonetheless.  The franchise is evolved but unarguably changed, and some old school fans call for a return to the the PS2 era’s style of cutting virtual snow.

Apparently, EA has caught wind of that sentiment.  The above image was posted on SSX’s Facebook along with the following message from EA Sports:

SSX fans have shown their love for the game’s rich history. We love that history as well, and that’s why we’re excited to be bringing some classic elements to the newest SSX release in our upcoming DLC release. We’ll be letting you know more on Monday, but for now we’re off to launch some fireworks in celebration.
Did you catch that “classic elements” part?  My, that could mean anything.  It could be something so simple as character reskins.  But maybe old school courses are returning?  Or entire game modes like, say, split-screen versus?  It could mean a million and one things, but one thing’s for sure: it’d better be Tricky.  Stay tuned for Monday, folks.

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